2015 Google Bilim Yarismasi odul toreni dun aksam California da gerceklestirildi. Beklenildigi uzere dunyanin dort bir yanindan finalistler salondaydi fakat kalabalagin cogunlugunu asyali ogrenciler olusturdu. Bu tarz organizasyonlarda her zaman ilk olarak tanidik ulkeler ve isimler ararim ve cogu kez de amacima ulasirim. Gene oyle oldu.
Bu yil ilk defa verilen Ilham veren egitimci odulunu Bosnada ki Turk okulunun ogretmeni aldi. Mutlu oldum, hem kardes ulke Bosna hem de kendi ulkem adina. Iki sene once, ayni yarismada gene bir Turk ogrenci muz kabuklarindan biyoplastik uretimi projesi ile odul almisti. Aslinda boyle basari hikayeleri cok. Bu basarilarin ortak yanlari ise bana kalirsa neset ettikleri ortamlarin benzerligi; ozverili ve sistemli calismayi destekleyen kurumlar. Maalesef bunlari devetin okullarinda gormek pek mumkun degil. Cunku malum, Turk egitim sisteminin iki eksigi var;
1 - egitim 2 - sistem :))
Isin aci yani ise devlet bu sorunlara odaklanmak yerine, su siralar basarili kurumlari baltalamakla mesgul.. Umarim insanimiz bu yanlis gidise bir an once son verir.
Bu yil ilk defa verilen Ilham veren egitimci odulunu Bosnada ki Turk okulunun ogretmeni aldi. Mutlu oldum, hem kardes ulke Bosna hem de kendi ulkem adina. Iki sene once, ayni yarismada gene bir Turk ogrenci muz kabuklarindan biyoplastik uretimi projesi ile odul almisti. Aslinda boyle basari hikayeleri cok. Bu basarilarin ortak yanlari ise bana kalirsa neset ettikleri ortamlarin benzerligi; ozverili ve sistemli calismayi destekleyen kurumlar. Maalesef bunlari devetin okullarinda gormek pek mumkun degil. Cunku malum, Turk egitim sisteminin iki eksigi var;
1 - egitim 2 - sistem :))
Isin aci yani ise devlet bu sorunlara odaklanmak yerine, su siralar basarili kurumlari baltalamakla mesgul.. Umarim insanimiz bu yanlis gidise bir an once son verir.
The Google Science Fair Inspiring Educator Award honors the
contributions of one outstanding educator who goes above and beyond to encourage their students to achieve great things. And the winner of the first Google Science Fair Inspiring Educator Award is Ms. Aydan Meydan for her tireless work helping Anela and Ilda develop a system to create alternative fuel and storage through the use of chicken feathers. Ms. Meydan will receive a $10,000 classroom grant from Google and a $5,000 gift card for educational products from LEGO Education.
contributions of one outstanding educator who goes above and beyond to encourage their students to achieve great things. And the winner of the first Google Science Fair Inspiring Educator Award is Ms. Aydan Meydan for her tireless work helping Anela and Ilda develop a system to create alternative fuel and storage through the use of chicken feathers. Ms. Meydan will receive a $10,000 classroom grant from Google and a $5,000 gift card for educational products from LEGO Education.
My project is about using banana peels in the production of
bio-plastic as a replacement of the traditional petroleum based plastic. In
this project, I developed a method for making plastic by using banana peels and
found new areas for the use of the plastic that I manufactured: using the
bio-plastic in the making of cosmetic prosthesis and in the insulation of
This project was done over a time period of 2 years. During
this time period, I was able to succeed in my endeavor to manufacture plastic
that can actually be used in daily life.